Friday, November 30, 2012

App of the Week - Google Drive

Google Drive has been available for a while on Android devices and became available on iOS devices in the late summer. The updates from this summer truly made Google Drive more user friendly on a  mobile device. On both iOS and Android the ability to view presentations with speaker notes. Presentations could also be viewed in full screen mode with the ability to swipe through the slides. The app allowed the creation of folders and the ability to upload pictures and videos directly through the app. Additionally the Android OS allowed adding comments, replying to comments.This really changed the way you could use Google Drive on a mobile device.

Yesterday, Google released an update to the apps for iOS and Android. The main portion of the update is improvement to Google Sheets (aka Spreadsheets). Users can now edit spreadsheets, switch fonts, resize columns, and sort data. All of the edits are a real time in the mobile environment. This gives Google Sheets a very clean user friendly interface on a mobile device.

In Google Drive the update gave better editor functionality as a whole. Now 'Send Link' copy links on to a clipboard as a additional option to other sharing.

"The update also includes a slew of functionality improvements to the Google Docs editor. You can now edit the contents of tables in the Google Docs editor. The updated editor also preserves the formatting of content when copy/pasting content within Google Docs. You can also enter the ‘Edit’ mode in Google Docs by single tapping, instead of having to manually switch between the edit and view modes." - Tech2 Blog

Take a look at the new app today! It's available on iOS, Android, and Chrome OS.

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